The Tortoise, the Hare, and 30 Crafts in 30 Days

You know that saying, "slow and steady wins the race?" Well, I thought I could pull a fast one and still win—like the hare in that fable. But crafting doesn’t care about your shortcuts!

For the first 26 days of my 30-crafts-in-30-days challenge, I was on a roll, cranking out soaps, candles, and decor like a machine. Less than three weeks in, I was four crafts shy of the finish line. Easy, right? So, what did I do? Naturally, I let myself coast. I had *plenty* of time to knock out those last four crafts. No rush.

Fast forward to the very last day of the challenge. Suddenly, I’m staring at my crafting table and wondering where all my brilliant ideas went. Turns out, they were hiding with my time management skills.

But hey, nothing like a deadline to light a fire under you. So, I pulled it together and knocked out those last four crafts in a single day. Lip balm ( because a customer ordered them), affirmation oils, tiny ghosts, and plaster trinket trays. Sure, I was tired, but finishing the challenge felt just as satisfying as crafting those first 26 items.

Lesson learned: The tortoise was right all along.


30 in 30: Week 3 The Struggle to Stay Creative