30 in 30 Crafting Goals

Welcome to my journey, the goal of crafting 30 items in 30 days.

As a professional maker, it's easy to find myself stuck in a routine, crafting the same products day in and day out. While restocking popular items is certainly a positive sign for any small business, the repetition can sometimes feel monotonous. Work shouldn’t be boring and unmotivating, I'm a creative and crafty person with volumes of ideas, yet I often struggle to take the first step. For me, starting a new project is as challenging as seeing it through to completion. 

I recently entered a soap design contest. I read the article 2 weeks prior to the deadline, saw the challenges and immediately said someday I’ll be good enough. James insisted that I was good enough and the only thing getting in my way was ME!!! I hesitated and procrastinated for a week. I finished the project and even had a great photo to enter but could not for the life of me write my own blurb for the entry form. I did because I had a goal and I was going to complete it so with 2 hours to spare I submitted the application! I had a clear goal to create contest worthy soap and enter the contest. I met that goal!! Inspiration struck recently while watching our friends at Wocky Pots embark on their busy season with an ambitious goal of creating 100 pieces in a month. Their hand-drawn progress chart and YouTube updates were not only motivating but also a testament to the power of setting and smashing goals. What began as a month-long challenge for them quickly grew from hoping to create 100 pieces in a month, to being able to produce 100 pieces in just one week.

Their dedication has inspired me to embark on a goal setting challenge of my own. For the next 30 days, I, Christiana—not the entire Hansen’s Craftory team—will create 30 different products. By "different," I mean truly unique items: a loaf of soap counts as one, a batch of bath bombs as another, and so on. Each day will bring a new creation, whether it's soap, a warm cozy hat, decor, jewelry, or something entirely unexpected.

To keep myself honest and accountable, I'll be documenting my progress right here, with updates three times a week. I'll share what worked, what didn't, and the lessons I learned along the way. This is more than just a creative exercise; it's a journey to reignite my passion and push the boundaries of what I can create.


Days 1 - 3


Embracing Hygge: Discovering Coziness and Connection