Days 1 - 3

Kicking off my challenge, I thought I'd start easy: a beanie hat on a loom. We've had these looms forever and a yarn stash that could rival a craft store, so how hard could it be? Famous last words. I dove into the yarn tote, expecting a quick grab-and-go, only to be greeted by absolute chaos. The loom I wanted was already tied up in some nearly finished mystery project. Of course it was. 

But I’m not willing to give up, so I grabbed a smaller, infant-sized loom and reached for another skein. That's when I discovered a tangled mess of at least 3 different colors, clinging to each other like they were in a yarn love triangle. Did I mention I share this yarn hoard with other crafty people? After a heroic battle of untangling, I finally freed a purple and black yarn and got this project underway.

I quickly finished the baby hat and called it a night, feeling pretty accomplished by the end of day.

Kicking off day 2, I grabbed the adult-sized loom and finally completed the long-forgotten grey hat that had been left behind. With that done, I started on a new project: a purple and black adult-sized hat.

I spent the entire day working on the second hat, but didn’t manage to finish it before the clock ran out. As I sat there reflecting on my challenge, it hit me: cranking out another hat doesn’t exactly scream "unique item." So here I am, double failing on day two—no finished project and a repeat idea. At this rate, I’ll be knitting myself a cozy little corner of shame by the end of the month!

Day 3, and I’m determined to turn things around! I had to work at the store, so I did some "working" (wink, wink) but quickly shifted gears to create some new items. First up, a 2-pound batch of lavender bath salts. Then, I whipped up 6 pumpkin caramel crunch bath bombs shaped like—you guessed it—pumpkins. 

James mentioned that the slime project we were offering as a craft workshop wasn’t sliming, so naturally, I had to test his theory. The result? A perfectly slimy 4 oz batch of peppermint-scented slime. That’s three crafts in one day! Despite the fiasco on day 2, I’m officially one new item ahead of my goal. Take that, day two!


Days 4-7 Crafting Journey


30 in 30 Crafting Goals